Wild River

Two images have been cleaned up, and aligned so that you can compare any portion in the zoom window.
Click the links above the viewport to toggle between them.

These photos found on the National Archives site contained significant damage to the negatives. One was posted reversed.

At first I thought they were from the same photo session, however, on closer inspection, it's obvious they are likely taken months apart. The 'earlier' photo shows a flood-swollen Tennessee River, mostly submerging Towhead Island. The Rolling Mill adjacent to the island is under construction by orders of Gen. Grant. By the time the 2nd photo was taken it had grown in size.

SOURCES: Series: Mathew Brady Photographs of Civil War-Era Personalities and Scenes, documenting the period 1860 - 1865
National Archives (1) National Archives (2)
CC-BY License  Creative Commons License chattanoogahistory.COM
Towhead Island in the bend of the river at Moccasin Point
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In the distance, the Federal Bridge indicates the large rise in water level.
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Shortly after a rolling mill was completed during Confederate control, it was burned down by Union forces. Upon Federal control, it was quickly rebuilt to re-roll worn and damaged rails. But, it wasn't completed in time to support Gen. Sherman's efforts. In late 1865, it was sold at a loss to a private businessman. While there was a huge need for rails by the railroads, in the post-war economy - there was little money to purchase them.

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