Points of Interest
In 1890, George Reif moved to Chattanooga with his wife Louise Mueller and their son Charles. The Reif's became part owners of Conrad Geise & Company, which was renamed the Chattanooga Brewing Company. George was president until his death in 1899. His
wife then assumed the presidency of the Company. She was respected as being shrewd, efficient and one of the ablest woman of Chattanooga. She was said to have done more charity in Chattanooga than any other one person of
the time until her death in 1907.
Charles was also with his father in the brewing business. The two were the largest stockholders in the Jung Brewing Company until it was sold in 1889. Charles became president of the Chattanooga Brewing Co. in 1907,
after the death of his mother. The brewery operated until 1915 when prohibition forced its closure.
SOURCE: mini-mug.com
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'The (Gass) Family is a remarkable one in many ways. In the first place it is rather a large one, there being eight brothers and two sisters, besides the parents, and Chattanooga having always been the home of them all. Another
unusual feature is the fact that the eight brothers are all partners in business having two enterprises which they own and operate themselves in Chattanooga. While one brother, Henry Glass, is also president of a large
steel company in the South.
They have been very successful and have a large patronage.'
SOURCE: The Arizona Republican., October 27, 1905, Page 5,
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