About Chattanooga

About: Chattanooga, Tennessee

Chattanooga was Incorperated in 1839

December 20, 1839, the Tennessee General Assembly incorporated the Town of Chattanooga, re-incorporating it in 1851 as the City of Chattanooga.

In 1816, brothers John and Lewis Ross established the settlement of Ross’s Landing here, a trading post consisting of a warehouse, and ferry landing site.

The early residents met and voted to change the name of Ross’s Landing to Chattanooga in 1838.

chattanooga established Ross's Landing was re-named Chattanooga in 1839

How to Pronounce Chattanooga

[ chat-uh-noo-guh ]

The Meaning of the Name Chattanooga

Other than being derived from the Creek or Cherokee, historians are not in complete agreement on the origin of the name "Chattanooga".

As early as 1793, maps show an Indian village and creek named "Chatanuga" at the foot of Lookout Mountain.

The word Chattanooga is found in the Muskogean (Creek) indian language as "Chatto-to-noo-gee," meaning "Rock Coming to a Point," and that it can also be translated "End of the Mountain." The word therefore is a literal description of the Point of Lookout Mountain.