In the early 20th century, the Dixie Highway, conceived in Chattanooga, passed through Soddy as part of the Good Roads Movement.
Backed by state and federal funds, it brought improvements; including resurfacing, widening, better drainage, and rerouting of major roadways.
Heated controversy arose when plans were announced to move the path of Chattanooga-Dayton Pike (Hwy 27) eastward by over a half-mile and away from the Soddy business district.
Despite much publicized citizen outcry – The road was rerouted; just as the country entered the Great Depression.
[CLICK IMAGE TO COMPARE] Original highway vs. rerouted.
Within a few years another blow would be dealt to a community still reeling from the last disruption.
The TVA released details on the future effects the planned Chickamauga Dam. Soddy Creek would take on waters of the new reservoir - bringing the lake just over the new highway's route.
The main highway through Soddy again had to move. A portion of the former highway was repurposed as a fishing pier.
[CLICK IMAGE TO COMPARE] Pre and post Dam views
Soddy, Daisy, Montlake Historical Association
Since 1969, the separate communities of Soddy and Daisy are known as the incorporated city of Soddy-Daisy.
A short 15-mile drive on Highway 27N from downtown Chattanooga, the area is largely untouched by waves of urban expansion. Soddy, and surrounding areas are poised to grow substantially in the coming years. International investment in land purchases focusing on "predevelopment land in the path of growth" has surged*.
Yet Soddy will remain uniquely positioned as a ideal area for families, where rural life blends seamlessly with suburban conveniences.
*Source: Walton Global